What is the meaning of the color ORANGE?

According to about.com, ORANGE is...

...is vibrant. It's a combination of red and yellow so it shares some common attributes with those colors. It denotes energy, warmth, and the sun. But orange has a bit less intensity or aggression than red, calmed by the cheerfulness of yellow.

It is a stimulant — stimulating the emotions and even the appetite. Orange can be found in nature in the changing leaves of fall, the setting sun, and the skin and meat of citrus fruit.

Orange brings up images of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and (in combination with Black) Halloween. It represents the changing seasons so in that sense it is a color on the edge, the color of change between the heat of summer and the cool of winter.

Because orange is also a citrus color, it can conjure up thoughts of vitamin C and good health.

If you want to get noticed without screaming, consider the color orange — it demands attention.

Squidoo describes orange as:

Orange, a close relative of red, sparks more controversy than any other hue. There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors. Fun and flamboyant orange radiates warmth and energy. Interestingly, some of the tones of orange such as terra cotta, peach or rust have very broad appeal.

How the color orange effects us mentally and physically
* Stimulates activity
* Stimulates appetite
* Encourages socialization

So, why the sudden interest in the color orange?

Because my new kitchen is in a fun shade of orange!!!


Anonymous said...

wowwww!!! ang ganda, very sleek, very moderne. I like the shade of orange that you used.

so ano, scraproom na ang kasunod? yahuuu...

Liza said...

Love the color of your kitchen Alby! So warm and inviting! Ang sarap magluto and tumambay dyan lagi am sure!

Christine said...

lovin' that fun color!!

can't wait to see it in person! *hint, hint* hahaha!!!